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Coten End Primary School


The children at Coten End have an exciting new addition to their science lessons in the form of The Scienceasaurus!

In our lessons, Sci helps us by posing a BIG science question that we have to try and answer.

Each week, a child from the class will take 'Sci' home and conduct some investigations with him.

Take a look below to see what he has been doing recently!

Sci came home with me this weekend and I was really looking forward to combining my love of baking with a science experiment.  
I decided to investigate whether you really needed self raising flour to make cakes rise.  I predicted that the cakes baked with self raising flour would rise a lot, and that those made with plain flour would not rise.  
I was quite surprised by the results as the cakes baked with plain flour did still rise, but just not as much as those with self raising flour.  
The best bit was the taste test and I found that those with just plain flour did still taste good, but the ones baked with self raising flour tasted better!

Rosie - Year 4