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Coten End Primary School



As governors we all share the school’s passion and commitment to provide an enjoyable, excellent education for all the children and the best possible professional fulfilment for all staff. We fully support the school’s strong caring ethos combined with rigorous educational ambitions for its pupils and do this by providing challenge and scrutiny, ensuring the school is accountable for its organisation and educational performance.

Working collaboratively to ensure the school has a clear strategic direction is also part of our role. We share advice as critical friends and celebrate the school’s considerable achievements as champions of Coten End.

Finally, our principle aim is always to totally support the work of the school in its relentless drive to secure the very best education for all the children who attend Coten End.


Minutes of Governor Meetings

The minutes of all governor meetings are public documents. If you would like to see minutes of any governing body meetings please contact the Clerk to Governors, Mrs Sally Beatty, via email