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Coten End Primary School

Smart School Council

Welcome to the Coten End School Council

This year we are continuing with our new approach to our school council. Smart School Council enables every child’s voice to be heard, promoting democracy across our school. At a time of deep division in our society, it’s never been more important that our young people play a central role. 

We have a Communications Team made up of 8 Year 6 pupils and they each have roles to enable all children across school to take part. The Communications Team work closely with our 'Action Teams' across school, which are as follows:

Charity Committee - led by Mrs Hawkins

Eco Committee - led by Miss Chacko

Digital Leaders - led by Miss Slater

Language Ambassadors - led by Madame Allison

OPAL Ambassadors - led by Mr Williams

Science Ambassadors - led by Mrs Carey


Every class in school takes part in regular Class Meeting which encourages discussion and debate about a range of topics and subjects, often linked to our Action Teams. Children get a chance to vote and offer further suggestions and comments. Some of these suggestions are then developed into actions within individual Action Teams and across school.


We will keep you updated about some of our debates and actions.

Communications Team 2024/25:

Action Team Leaders: Lily Brayne and Bo Cheung

Meeting Leader: Rona Donaldson

Progress Board Leaders: Tommaso Gazzillo and Naomi Olubaji

Question Finder: Chloe Mahoney

Staff Liaison: Jake Morrell

Website Manager: Eleanor Sims


Autumn 2 Class meeting results:

In the latest class meeting we asked; which of the following charities should Charity Committee support as part of an advent fundraising idea?

The option that got the most votes was Evelyn's gift with forty votes. It is a charity that aims to provide little acts of kindness to people in need, and promote the training of CPR and life skills. 17/22 classes took part in the class meeting.

In the comments section lots of pupils said that the queue for the school lunches was too long and stated problems with ks2 and ks1 mixing during lunchtime. We will look to resolve these issues with the OPAL Ambassadors.



Autumn 1 Class meeting results:

In the latest class meeting we asked “which play area needs improving the most?” 

Each class split into multiple groups.

These were the results:

Option one: the field: 39 votes

Option two: the playground: 18 votes

Option three: wildlife way: 40 votes 

Option four: the courtyard (Ks2 only): 3 votes

Lots of the ideas from the pupils suggested more equipment to be put in wildlife way. Pupils suggested more equipment on the field and the grass needed to be maintained better.

Smart School Council are working closely with OPAL Ambassadors on how to enhance our Wildlife Way area. We will update this page with how it goes.