Coten End Primary School
Week beginning 25.9.23
It briefly began to look a bit like Christmas this week as the children created their Cauliflower Cards. There was some outstanding creativity across the year group, and we can't wait to see some of the designs printed. In Maths, we have been learning about Roman numerals; the children loved learning about them so much that they took a QR code for an online game home with them! It was elections week across the year group, and we were so proud of all the children who demonstrated the value of courage by presenting to their peers for the role of House Captain as well as Charity, Science and Eco Ambassadors. Congratulations again to all the successful candidates. We had our very first Smart School Council meetings. This entailed having a question for the classes to debate 'What could be done to make the school a more friendly place?'. Two children in each class led the meetings and typed their responses into the computer to share with the Year 6 Communications Team. Curiosity has been spreading through Year 4 this week as we have created Wonder Walls in every classroom - this is a space for the children to share any questions that they would like answering, and to demonstrate their inquisitive nature.