Coten End Primary School
Week beginning 20th November
Inter-Faith Week
On Tuesday, the 21st of November, we had a special visitor in the morning. She was a Muslim and taught us about Islam. She told us that the Islamic greeting is assalamualaikum, which means ‘peace be upon you.’ Also, she said that Islam means peace. Additionally, a Muslim told us that Muslims believe in all religions. They do not reject any of them. Finally, she told us that there were over 100,000 prophets and the most important one is called Muhammad.
Then, after breaktime, 6MC learnt about Nirvana Day, which is celebrated on the 8th or 15th of February. Nirvana means no more rebirth. It is achieved by good karma and wanting no more when suffering is gone. Karma means that every action has a consequence. Therefore, it is the balance of the universe. It is celebrated by remembering Buddha’s death, remembering your loved ones, and giving gifts. Buddha has achieved Nirvana and is an incredibly wise teacher.
After lunchtime, another visitor came, but it was about Humanism instead of Islam. They taught us that they believe that God does not exist and that humans control their own actions. They believe that they find happiness in this life, on Earth, and they help others to do this. The symbol of Humanist UK represents a happy person. Also, they think that we have the right to freedom.
By Ateeb and Louis