Coten End Primary School
Week ending 31st March
It has been a very busy and exciting half term in Year 1. This week we completed our topic on 'Excellent Engines' by designing and creating our own model cars. We learnt how to join different materials such as the wheels using split pins. We had to use our skills of perseverance as some of it was quite fiddly but we were really pleased with our final results - we enjoyed pretending to be engineers!
In Maths, we have been solving word problems pictorially and in English we have continued to use our skills to write sentences with a capital letter and a full stop. We have been continuing to use the suffix 'ed' in our own writing and answering questions about texts that we have read. We are starting to build up our stamina when reading longer texts.
In computing, we have used the Beebots to retell the story of 'The three little pigs'. We had to program the beebots to move to the next square in the sequence. We had to work collaboratively in our groups! We also had Cricket All Stars in to run a workshops and provide some information about the club - we really enjoyed it!
The teachers have been really impressed with our hard work this term and have said we all deserve a restful holiday!