Coten End Primary School
Week Beginning 16.12.24
Merry Christmas from Year 5.
And so we come to the end of our first term.
15 weeks have gone by since we first began our term since then we have:
- been historians and investigated the mysteries of the Maya
- been geographers and explored our local town - identifying suitable filming locations
- been artists and created our own Maya masks
- been design technologists and designed and sewn our own Hogwarts banners
- been computer technologists and filmed documentaries
- been scientists looking at reversible and irreversible changes as well as forces
- been mathematicians developing our skills with number and fractions
- been linguists and further improved our conversational skills in French
- been theologians discovering who was Jesus
- been writers and created many different stories
we have also had an author come to visit us as well as a genuine Maya explorer. We have had a Harry Potter theme day and made potions and played Quidditch. We have even been to Wonderland with Alice.
I think it is time for a well earned rest for Christmas before next term we blast off into space.