Coten End Primary School
The week began with European Languages day on Monday and we had a visitor in this week called Fletch who taught is a song in sign language. She was brilliant and has even been on tour with Ed Sheeran! We looked at different flags for European countries and learned how to say 'Hello' in them.
3SL have now been on the Science and Geography trip to Cross Hands Quarry to learn about fossils. Some photos are attached. The weather was cold but it only rained a little and we had sunshine too! We had a fabulous time and learned a lot about fossils and rocks, especially limestone rocks!
In Science, we carried on our investigation into properties of different rocks and seeing which ones are permeable, which ones float and which ones split easily.
We have begun our TAKING CARE learning in PSHE and have discussed feelings, our safe place and our rights and responsibilities.
In Maths we were finishing our Place Value work comparing and ordering numbers up to 1000 and next week will begin Addition and Subtraction.
In Music, we continued learning more about the Elements of Music and about the pitch, tempo, dynamics and timbre of different music and instruments. 3SL have begun music lessons with Miss Butler from Warwickshire music who will be teaching them recorder next week. 3CS and 3SS will have these lessons over the next 2 terms.
In English we have been using coordinating conjunctions to join clauses together. We have also been beginning research about dinosaurs for our dinosaur information text writing next week.
Anyway, we must go because it's KS2 Film Night tonight and the fun is starting for lots of us!
Have a lovely weekend,
Year 3