Coten End Primary School
Friday 24th March 2023
We've had a very fun Friday afternoon playing in a FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT at Warwick Junior School. All the PE teachers and children were really friendly. We played some fun games like the 'Dragon and eggs' games while practising our football skills. We are looking forward to going back to again to play more sport in the Summer Term.
In Art we have been learning about CUBISM, abstract art and the famous painters Picasso and Braque. Did you know that Braque used lots of musical instruments in his art and loved to collage? We have mixing tints and shades of colours and drawing and painting musical instruments.
In Maths we have started learning about using scales and measuring in grams. Next week we will be measuring in grams and kilograms.
In English we have started work on different sentence types and conjunctions. We have started debating the argument ' Bullfighting should be banned'.
In Geography, we compared the weather data we collected for Warwick with Madrid and drew a graph to show rainfall and temperature.
Have a lovely weekend
from the children and teachers in Year 3