Coten End Primary School
Friday 28th April 2023
In Maths we have been learning about 2-D shapes. Do you know what all quadrilaterals have? here is some new words we have learnt horizontal, vertical, diagonal, parallel, perpendicular and line of symmetry.
Last Wednesday in DT we practiced the running stich ready to make our tote bags.
We have been doing speech punctuation in English and we have been using prefixes and suffixes.
In Science we have been having fun planting petunias because we were setting up our investigation to find out how different variables affect how healthy the plants are. 3CS have also dissected a flower and talking about the job each part has, but we get to do that next week!
In PE we learned how to throw a shot put and a javelin using the best technique and also got fitter practising racing and hurdles.
Have a great 3 day weekend!:)
by Lola, Jamie and Stanley on the behalf of year 3