Coten End Primary School
7th October 2022
We have developed and deepened our knowledge and skills for our Learning Theme: The Variety of Life.
In English, we read letters, learned about the features of letters and labelled them with their features. We read a letter to a doctor about a stick insect whose brother went missing. We planned our response to this letter as the doctor. Then we used our plans to write a reply to the stick insect’s brother, trying to help him solve his problem and offer him advice. While we wrote our letters, we focussed on the key skills of organising our writing using paragraphs around a theme, using expanded noun phrases, a range of conjunctions and using commas to separate clauses.
In Maths, we have been learning about addition and subtraction. We have learned how to add 1,10,100 and 1000 to a number by using our knowledge of place value. We have learned how to do written addition with exchanges and applied this to reasoning and problem solving.
In Science, we learned about variables in an experiment, learning the terms independent variable, dependent variable and control. We then used this knowledge to plan our own fair test experiment – investigating birds’ favourite food in the wildlife way. We set up our experiment by hanging bottles containing a variety of bird food. We will measure the food next week to see which bird food was their preferred choice.
In Geography, we learned about patterns in land use by looking at urban and rural aerial photographs from different parts of the country. We identified and labelled their features and then described the characteristics of different urban and rural areas. We enjoyed looking at aerial photos of Warwick!
In PE children have developed their chasing skills of trying to get an opponent’s tag and continued to practise their throwing skills in tag rugby, including learning how to throw backwards to their partner and continue running.
In PSHE, we started the Taking Care Project, where we learned that we all have the right to feel safe all the time and we can talk to someone about something, even if it is small or awful. We then learned about consent conversations, focusing on why we ask for consent, how we ask for consent and how we give consent (or not). Afterwards we practised creating and writing our own consent scripts for different scenarios.