Coten End Primary School
18th November 2022
We have learned lots of facts and skills for our Learning Theme - The Groovy Greeks!
In English, we have been learning key skills of writing using correct speech punctuation and how to set out dialogue correctly. We have been writing speech for Greek gods using all the speech rules and exciting words for ‘said.’ We have learned about fronted adverbials and we have practised writing our own sentences using different types of fronted adverbials, by describing how Theseus was trying to catch a Greek creature.
In Maths, we have practised our times tables and division facts and applied our knowledge to reasoning and problem solving. We have learned how to do written multiplication with exchanges and written division with remainders and applied this to reasoning and problem solving.
In Science, we set up an interesting experiment, investigating which drinks are best for our teeth, by putting eggs in different liquids. Each day we have been carefully observing the eggs and recording our observations. We are really excited to find out the results! 4CK had some visitors into class from Warwick School who taught us how to make rockets and we learned all about forces. We even launched them and saw them fly far into the air!
In History, we learned about daily life in the city states of Sparta and Athens. We went on a fact hunt, we recorded facts and wrote notes about life in both places. We considered facts for Sparta and Athens and sorted them into a Venn diagram. We discussed which state we would rather live in and gave historical evidence for our reasons. It was a difficult decision to make which state to live in!
In PE, we learned how to pivot in netball so we could pass the ball to players in our team. Then we used the netball passes we have learned and pivot skills to play a mini-game of netball. We showed excellent co-operation skills!
In PSHE, it was Anti-bullying week and we read a story about a character who was bullied. We discussed how she was bullied, what the witnesses did to help her and how the bullying was solved. We discussed different scenarios and considered what we would do in different situations. It was also Inter-faith week and we were lucky to have a visitor into school to teach us all about Christianity, her beliefs how she practises her faith.
In Art, we designed the shape for our Greek vases and planned which clay modelling technique we will use to create it. We designed our own geometric patterns for Greek vases too. 4CC really enjoyed an Art workshop creating colour palettes for photos around Warwick.
We hope you have a lovely weekend!