Coten End Primary School
Week Beginning 9th October
This week the children had a visit from Simon Carr, a paramedic, as part of our "Heroes Among Us' Topic. He brought his ambulance with him and the children had the chance to go inside to have a look. On Friday afternoon, the children also had a visit from a PCSO Scott, who brought a police car with her for the children to see and ask questions about. The children also carried on the 'Taking Care' Project and talked about staying safe and saying 'no, stop - I don't like that, ' if someone does something they don't like. The children enjoyed playing in the doctor's roleplay. In Maths, the children have been comparing the size of objects and learning to use mathematical vocabulary related to 'mass' such as 'heavier and lighter', as well as ' capacity, using the vocabulary 'holds the most' and 'holds the least.'