Coten End Primary School
Week beginning 15th January
World War II
By Pavan, 6MC
Recently, we have started our new Learning Theme- the topic is World War II.
To kick off the new topic, we had the opportunity to ask lots of questions and then investigated what led to World War II starting. We have learnt about the key countries involved, the world leaders at the time, and we have begun to look at the impact the War had on different groups of people. We are excited about answering lots of more questions! Below, you can see some of our front covers and fact files.
By Elisa, 6MC
As part of our English, we have created some dramatic scenes. We had to act out a scene from the book we are reading called ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’. While learning about this book, we did a lot of predicting and visualising what could happen. This led to us making a drama and predicting what we think will happen next in our book. During this activity we had to do it in pairs, and we had a choice to perform it. Many performances were very dramatic, and a couple were quite funny! We created freeze frames and noted down the speech. This activity was a lot of fun! We then used the freeze frames and the speech we had practiced to help us write accurate dialogue that moves the action on.