Coten End Primary School
Week commencing 15.1.24
This week, Year 4 had their theme day, which consisted of the whole year group dressing up in Ancient Greek attire and being visited by Gregorios (the Ancient Greek hoplite). Our day consisted of learning about daily Greek life, using the alphabet, sketching pottery, playing Greek games, taking part in our own Olympics and creating a class mosaic! We had so much fun, and it was a fantastic way to hook the children at the beginning of a new learning theme.
In PE, we have started a unit on gymnastics. The personal best challenge involves children having to hold a superman balance for up to 60 seconds. The level of resilience that they have been demonstrating in order to complete this has been wonderful to see. The children used a variety of jumps (rocket, tuck and star) to dismount the equipment.
On Friday, we had a coding workshop with a lady called Helen. She taught the children how to use coding in order to program a robot to move, spin and even sing!