Coten End Primary School
Week Beginning 4th March
This week was World Book Week!
As part of Book Week, we were given the value of Curiosity to explore. We looked at the book Zoom by Istvan Banyai and asked questions about what we could see. We had to remember to use a ? at the end of each question. We then used this as inspiration to create our own curiosity poems and performed them in a Poetry Slam!
As part of Book Week, we also had a "Teacher Swap" and another teacher in the school came and read us a story. We are all very excited to read our new books that we chose at the Book Swap.
In Maths we have been looking at measure and learning how to accurately use a ruler. We must remember to start measuring from 0cm to ensure we get the right answer!
Finally, in DT we did a taste test of different fruits and chose what we want to put in our Gruffalo Crumble. We can't wait to make them next week and we are looking forward to bringing them home to cook them!