Coten End Primary School
Week Beginning 22nd April
This week in Year 1, we were very excited to welcome a huge number of family members to our Come and Learn sessions. It was really lovely to be able to share The Curious Quests with you all and we hope it gave a greater insight into how we teach writing. The children were certainly very excited to be able to experience this with you. Thank you so much to everyone who attended!
We also began our long awaited DT topic and found out lots of information about lighthouses. We learnt about how their light works and how they are able to send messages to ships out at sea in order to keep them safe.
In Science we are continuing to explore materials and this week we thought of as many words as possible to describe wood, glass, plastic, metal and rock. While feeling the materials themselves, the children were able to make links with their learning in English by using a variety of adjectives to describe them. Next week we will be using these materials as part of a practical investigation!