Coten End Primary School
Week ending 17th March
It has been Science Week at Coten End! We kicked started the week with an assembly with Mrs Carey who explained what we would be doing throughout the week and introduced us to a few famous scientists. We all completed a whole school investigation linked to Aeronautical engineering. We had to investigate how to make a paper spinner/helicopter fall more slowly. We tried adding extra paper clips to our helicopters and discussed about how we would keep the test fair.
On Wednesday, we had the chance to visit the children in Key Stage 2 and look at their Science projects at the Science Fair. We really enjoyed looking at their projects and some were really fun and hands on! On Thursday, it was our turn to show our projects to Key Stage 2 and our teachers were really impressed with how we spoke about our own projects - remembering lots of scientific facts!
We also had a visit from Paula from JLR who spoke to us about her job as an engineer. It was really interesting listening to her talk about her job and her work on the new driverless car!
This week, our parents also got the chance to work with us in a maths lesson on our 'Come and Learn' sessions. We taught our adults about partitioning numbers into tens and ones and even answered some problem solving questions.