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Coten End Primary School

Week Beginning 27th January

In Music this week, we learnt about how music is written with different notations, we clapped out a variety of dragon names using syllables and we designed and named our own dragons. 

In Science, we talked about the importance of exercise for our brains, hearts, lungs, bones and muscles. We did an experiment to see which activity/exercise made our heart rates increase the most (see the picture below!). We then talked about how that might be a good exercise to keep our body healthy.

Maths this week has still been multiplication and division and we have been focussing on the 5 and 10 times tables.

English has involved us building up to writing our own instruction text, containing all of the features of an instruction text, which include a range of sentence types and expanded noun phrases. The subject of our instructions was how you can capture a dragon to keep as a pet. We had to think about where to catch it, what to use to catch it, things dragons might like to tempt it in and someone to secure it.

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