Coten End Primary School
3SS and 3CS have now been on the Science and Geography trip to Cross Hands Quarry to learn about fossils. Some photos are attached. 3SL are very much looking forward to their trip on Tuesday too so keep your fingers crossed for good weather!
In Science, some of Year 3 have been investigating the properties of different rocks and seeing which ones are permeable, which ones float and which ones split easily.
Have you heard of the Learning Pit? We've been thinking how we can be more resilient when we are stuck in our learning and what positive things we could say to ourselves and friends.
In Maths we were carrying on with our work on Place Value and finding 1, 10 and 100 more and less than different numbers. We also learned how to represent numbers using counters in the correct column instead of dienes.
In Music, we were learning more about the Elements of Music and about the pitch, tempo, dynamics and timbre of different music and instruments.
In English we have been identifying the features of a letter and thinking about how we can use the different sentence types when we plan our ideas for writing.
In PE, we carried on practising our archery skills and football skills and played some mini games.
Would you believe we have also nearly finished our Christmas card designs too?!
Have a lovely weekend,
Year 3