Coten End Primary School
We have had an extremely busy week in Year 3 and the highlight for lots of us was a really fun dance workshop by a dance teacher called Amy from Urban Strides who came to teach us some street dance. She was brilliant and taught us about F.A.C.E. that stands for (Focus, Action, Confidence and Energy) and we can use to tackle any challenge.
In Maths, we have been adding and subtracting mentally with 1s, 10s and 100s to and from 3 digit numbers and solving tricky problems as well.
In English, we have started planning our Dinosaur information texts which we will write next week.
In Archery, we are better at hitting the target now, so played a game called, 'Build a Burger' with the numbers on the target with our team. We also carried on with our football skills.
In Science we learned about the ROCK CYCLE and some of us made models of sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks out of chocolate. It was fun and our teachers said it was very messy!
In Music, 3SL began recorder lessons and 3SS and 3CS will learn next term and the term after.
In PSHE we thought about our Early Warning Signs and also began thinking about our Coten End Values and what we want them to be.
Have a great weekend!
Year 3 Children and Staff