Coten End Primary School
In Art, we have been sketching elephants using lines and then using wax crayons or oil pastels to decorate them. We painted a colour wash background and also colour washed the elephant, using the 'wax resist' technique. You can see some examples of our Art in the photos above.
In Geography we have begun our learning about Mountains and used an atlas to locate different mountain ranges across the world. Ask me at home which mountain ranges I can name! Some of us have also been learning how mountains have been formed and about the three different types of mountains.
In English, we have been learning about subordinating conjunctions and the main clause and subordinate clause in a sentence. This was a bit tricky but we're getting there! Ask me to name some subordinating conjunctions.
In Maths we have started work on multiplication and have been concentrating on equal groups, arrays and multiples of 2, 5 and 10.
In Science we have started investigations into forces and magnets. Ask me more next week!
In Computing, we have also started learning coding on Scratch which was fun.
Have a great a weekend,
The Year Three Children