Coten End Primary School
Monday was Christmas themed jumper or party outfit day and we had our Christmas Fair which was super fun with lots of games and change to win prizes. Thank you FRIENDS of Coten End!
In Art we have been practising creating value using shading and are going to use this when creating our elephant art.
We have been practising our Christmas songs for the Year 3 Christmas Extravaganza, although we will need to practise A LOT MORE to get all the words memorised and the dances too!
In Maths we have been doing the 4 and 8 times tables linked to multiply and divide and some of us have started learning on SHAPE too.
In English we have created our posters to advertise a Bonfire Extravaganza Party.
In the photos, you can also see that we've been doing some more learning about magnets and magnetic materials.
3SL also had a very exciting Science visit from Mr Etheridge at Warwick School with some very helpful students too to make and launch some very cool rockets! 3Cs's turn next week. It was very fun indeed!
Have a very lovely weekend,
The Year 3 children and their Teachers
In Geography we have begun our learning about Volcanoes. Did you know there are three different types that look different to each other?
In English, we have carried on learning about subordinating conjunctions and have also been identifying features of a persuasive text, including rhetorical questions, exclamation sentences and exciting vocabulary. We will be writing our own poster to advertise a BONFIRE BONANZA using all features we have learned about.
In Maths we have been carrying on with multiplication and division and started work on the 3 and 4 times tables.
In Science we have have been learning about magnetic fields and how they can work from a distance without touching - look at our photos to find out more. Did you know that the Earth act like a giant magnet? 3SS also had a visit from the Science teacher and some children from Warwick Prep School to do some exciting Science. We won't tell you any more until 3CS and 3SL have also had a visit.
In Computing, we have carried on learning about coding with Scratch and we were learning how to do a 'LOOP'. It was tricky!
We might need some more practice.
In PE, we carried on learning passing, dribbling and using space skills in hockey and netball and also did some agility practice for speed and fitness.
Have a great a weekend,
The Year Three Children