Coten End Primary School
Friday 10th February 2023
This week is children’s mental health week. We have talked about what mental health is and how we can keep our mind healthy. Today we wore EXPRESS YOURSELF clothes to school. Today we had a Mindfulness workshop with Candice. We did lots of different exercises starting with tasting two chewy sweets first quickly and then slowly, taking at least a minute. We practised active listening with a partner and noticing what colour eyes people had as well as lots of other details.
In French, we practised the days of the week and read a French story, La Chenille qui fait des trous, which is the French version of a popular children’s story.
In Maths, we were practising multiplying by 10 and solving multiplication and division problems. We are learning the written method of multiplication.
In English , we have been learning how to use inverted commas in a narrative and analysing the story structure of ‘Stone Age Boy’ ready to plan and write our own stories next week.
In Science, we investigated how much sugar is in different flavoured soft drinks and have started to look at our food diaries.
We got the apparatus out in gymnastics and practised climbing, balancing, shapes, rolls and jumps. In tennis we had to keep a rally going with a partner and try using forehand and backhand.
We also learned about attaching pictures to emails as attachments and talked about being kind online just like we are in the real world. It was Safer Internet day too and we had an assembly to help us stay safe online.