Coten End Primary School
Friday 31st March 2023
In PE we learnt how to use the kick boards when running to help us change direction quickly with mister Butler and we have been doing some indoor athletics.
On Thursday we did a collage with musical instrument inspired by George Braque’s work. We also had to include tints and shades of different hues.
We have also been finishing off some assessments in Maths and Reading.
We practised our debating skills in English and ended by writing a persuasive argument to say if we are for or against bullfighting. Almost all of us thought against bullfighting but for bloodless bullfighting.
In Science we were learning about the reflection of light and sorting materials from most reflective to least reflective. We also investigated how shadows are made and how translucent materials make lighter shadows than opaque materials.
We were comparing Warwick and Madrid and choosing whether we wanted to open a shop or business in Warwick or Madrid, based on the climate there.
Finally, in Music we revised musical notation, including crotchets, quavers and rests then composed our own piece of music for percussion instruments.
Have a great Easter holidays!
by Lola and Stanley on the behalf of year 3