Coten End Primary School
25th November 2022
We have learned information and developed new skills for our Learning Theme - The Groovy Greeks!
In English, we read a variety of myths and we identified the key features, conventions and themes in Greek myths. We looked up synonyms of words to plan exciting vocabulary to use in our own myth. We have been planning our myth based on the structure of Theseus and the Minotaur, by changing the creature, setting and some of us have changed the objects used too.
In Maths, we have learned how to multiply three single digits, choosing the most efficient method. We have continued practising written methods of multiplication with exchanges, written division with remainders and applied our knowledge to reasoning and problem solving.
In Science, we looked at the results of our teeth (egg) experiment where we were investigating which drinks are best for our teeth. Each day we carefully observed the eggs and recorded our observations. We discovered that the worst liquids for our teeth were the squash and the vinegar! We then considered how we can look after our teeth and we created posters giving advice to people on how to care for their teeth.
In History, we learned about the battle of Marathon, a battle between the Ancient Greeks and the Persians. We ordered the key events in the battle and discussed the cause and consequence of key events. We considered the most important factors in the Ancient Greeks winning the battle.
In PE, we continued practising the three different netball passes and practised how to pivot. Then we used the netball passes we have learned and pivot skills to play a mini-game of netball. We showed excellent team-work skills.
In PSHE, for our unit ‘Celebrating Differences’, we learned about how we can be influenced to make assumptions about the way people look. We considered the different factors that can influence people’s assumptions.
In Art, we designed the shape for our Greek vases and planned which clay modelling technique we will use to create it. We designed our own geometric patterns for Greek vases too.
We hope you have a lovely weekend!