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Coten End Primary School

Pupil Premium

At Coten End, we develop a multi-year strategy (3 years) as recommended by the DFE. This allows us to dedicate a significant amount of time to creating a consistent and effective approach to support and enhance the provision of our Pupil Premium cohort over a number of years. It also allows us the time to monitor and measure progress and the impact of our activity against the intended outcomes as outlined in the statement. 

Whilst not statutory, we have taken the decision to provide an annual review of activities over the 3-year period. Below you will find our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement for 2021-2024 updated each year with a review of the previous year. 

If you have any questions about how we allocate Pupil Premium funding or would like support in applying for the funding, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Nick Williams (Assistant Headteacher). 


*Please note, the strategy statement will be updated by the end of December each academic year.